Palmer’s Birth Story
I cannot believe it’s been over two months since Palmer was born. This post has been a long time coming, but I have been too busy soaking in all these precious moments. Motherhood has been nothing short of amazing. A role I’ve always dreamed of has definitely lived up to its name. These last few months I’ve been mesmerized by every little detail of this tiny human. The bond has been overwhelming in the most beautiful way. So many people told me about the love I would experience, and I really had know idea the depth of love I would feel. I absolutely love being Palmer’s mama.
I want to share my birth story to help anyone who is preparing and so that I never forget even the smallest of details.
So here it goes...
Palmer was a scheduled c section due to a past surgery. He was scheduled for October 5th at 5:00 am. In true Palmer nature, he had other plans. I woke up the morning before at 3 am and had what seemed like my water was leaking TMI sorry. I thought nothing of it and went back to bed. It happened again at 7 am and then again at 9am. I really didn’t think much of this, and decided to make cinnamon rolls lol. That morning I told my husband we should surprise his mom and sister as they had just moved back from Alabama. I was getting ready when I had a gut feeling to ask my sister in laws (both nurses) what they thought. Both of them encouraged me to call the doctor and get it checked out.
I immediately called the doctor who told me they would call the hospital and to sit tight until the hospital called me. I continued to get ready, but felt so anxious and giddy. 30 minutes later, which felt like an eternity, the hospital called and said we needed to come in and get checked to see if my water broke. Instead of rushing to the car, I immediately looked around my house at what needed to be done. I cleaned the coffee table before we left .
The hospital is about 30 minutes away, and I kept telling my husband that I don’t think my water broke. I told him I felt bad that I was wasting everyone’s time and that we will probably be sent home. I remember looking at the clock and thinking oh ya we can still make it to your sisters a little after lunch. As soon as we got there, you have to get screened for Covid. The hospital was so busy that they didn’t bother to take our temperatures or anything. We were both very shocked. Nurses were running around and paying people and Mr. Hubbard and I were just standing there feeling nervous. Eventually a nurse came and got us and wheeled us to our room. On the walk she told me she had her kids here and it was the best experience. It all began to feel very real at this point.
Once we got to our room, they had me change and got me set up to a bunch of machines. I never did get to eat the cinnamon rolls and I remember feeling so hungry and thirsty. But they wouldn’t let me eat or drink. After lots of questions and monitoring, they had me pee in a cup to check my levels. The test took 40 minutes to get the results, and it honestly felt like hours. The nurse eventuality came back and to my surprise said that my water did break and we would be having Palmer in the next two hours! What! Things escalated quickly.
Mickey and I sat around watching the Cowboys game which was awful and waited not so patiently for them to take me back. Eventually they came and got me and had him wait until I was ready. They gave the epidural which was such a strange feeling. My body was warm all over and I felt very relaxed. I expected to be more out of it, but thankfully was very present. I was extremely thirsty, but couldn’t have anything. They eventually brought Mickey in. He held my hand the entire time. He was my rock. Medical things make me nervous but having him there and knowing P was coming, I felt very calm.
I’ll spare you the details of the actual c section, but it was so fast. Within minutes I heard that sweet baby cry from little Palmer. A feeling like no other overpowered me. I had tears rolling down my face as they took him to check him out. They eventually bundled him up and brought him over to me. His little cheek touched mine and I’ll never forget the way my heart felt.
We were brought to a recovery room where we did a lot of skin to skin and honestly I just stared at Palmer. I took in his every detail. The way his head felt on my chest, his smell, his cute little cheeks. That memory of taking it all in is engraved in my mind for forever. It’s the most amazing feeling to feel your baby physically after having them inside you for so long. This little angel that I’ve talked to, sang to, and loved was finally in my arms. The experience was incredible. Becoming a mama has changed me in so many ways. It’s made me a better person by forcing me to slow down and focus on what really matters. Mickey is the best daddy and we’ve truly never been happier. Watching Mickey glow as a new daddy is something I’ll never forget either. He just had this look on him. A proud daddy look, a full heart look. It made fall even more in love with him.
We spent an hour or so in that room just soaking it all in. I begged for water, but they made me wait. I was so thirsty. They did give me ice chips though. I had so many cups of ice chips until the nurse gave in and got me water. Later that afternoon they took us to our room where would stay for the next few days. Our experience at the hospital was amazing. Every single nurse and doctor took such good care of us. I wanted to take them home in my pocket. I was determined to “get better” quick, and they helped me in doing so. I showered and got ready each day and forced myself to walk. It sounds minimal, but it was much harder than I expected. However, I knew the faster I got my body moving the quicker I would be better for Palmer.
We spent the next three days recovering, learning how to breastfeed, and getting checked on. Mickey and I just spent the days loving on our little guy and looked forward to bringing him home. On the third day we were discharged, and finally headed home! Coming home with him was so much fun. He was finally here. He was finally home.
Pregnancy and birth were both beautiful experiences and I pray I get to do it again someday. Soon I’ll be sharing more. What I packed in my hospital bag, newborn favorites, and my experience with the 4th trimester, something that’s not talked about enough. Thanks for being here. I love sharing my journey with you!