5 Must-Have Baby Apps
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Here are my five favorite apps for babies. We use these daily!
1️⃣ Huckleberry: We used the for the first 6 months. It helped track Palmer’s sleep, feeding sessions, and diapers. Very helpful when you’re running low on sleep! Plus the pediatrician will ask questions and it’s nice to refer back to!
2️⃣ Baby Monitor: We love this one! When we are at someone’s house, we use this app when P naps. No need to bring your monitor everywhere you go!
3️⃣ Solid Starts: I cannot say enough good things about this app! Need a new recipe or are not sure how to serve a certain food to your baby? Look it up in their database… best part is it’s FREE!
4️⃣ Wonder Week: IYKYK… wondering why your baby is extra fussy? Could it be a leap? This app not only shows when the leaps take place, but they explain what your baby is going through. It’s so fascinating to me!
5️⃣ Hatch Sound Machine: Does anyone have a grandparent that can’t figure this machine out …. Or a spouse?😅 No worries- you can control it from your phone. Personally, I can’t wait to use this when Palmer is older for “quiet time”. You can set a timer for the light to be on, when the light goes out, your child knows quiet time is over!
Are there any other must-have apps out there? Share this with an expecting mama and stay tuned for more mama tips next week! ❤️